Connor, you have most certainly grown up since I have left. No longer the short, slightly overweight boy I left for college knowing. You have transitioned into a tall (taller than me even), deep-voiced, dare I say it, man that continuously surprises me every time I come home. It is as if we have switched roles, you've become quiet where I no longer know what it means to have an "inside" voice. I know I have been short with you at times, but this year has made me lose quite a bit of the patience I once had. Just know I love you just the same. And most importantly, I am proud of you. You don't even have to do anything for me to feel that sense of pride. Just seeing you standing up straight, towering over your mother makes me realize just how amazed I am at how much you've changed. Continue to change, don't allow anyone to quiet your now-timid voice. I cannot wait for you to really explore the world. Whatever it is you end up doing, you will do well and fly past anyone else because I have never met anyone with a heart bigger than yours. You make up for the one I don't have I sometimes think. Don't you dare give up on anything you love (unless it's a girl that I don't like, of course), and you will eventually find just what it is that you're passionate about.
Here is the picture that got me such a strong reaction from the crowd (not to mention the people that believed you were 16/17, HAH.) I love you Connor.
And then a few more, because I made you wait. :)
You can find the rest of my Phase Three final on Facebook: