

Contrast- Hallmark Week 2

As I make my way to week two at Hallmark, we begin to learn the difference between high and low contrast. In between learning to look for soft tones in pictures, we head out on another field trip to Brattleboro, Vermont to find those. On a gloomy Thursday morning, I pack my bag up and head out. Driving there was pretty simple, but there was so much fog!


Once getting there, the conditions didn't improve until later on when the sun came bursting through the clouds. It proved to be quite useful for our high contrast, full-length image

Cassidy Jean

For the low-contrast assignments, one had to be an abstract object with shape, while the other was a simple portrait with a reflector to fill in the light.

Cassidy Jean

Cassidy Jean

Cassidy Jean

Cassidy Jean

Here's a few more that didn't pertain to the assignment, but I really liked

Cassidy Jean

Cassidy Jean

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